Are you interested in volunteering at St Joseph's Primary School - Kangaroo Point?
Please read through the information and follow the procedure to register as a volunteer at our wonderful school.
The process for volunteering at St Joseph's and how you register to volunteer on any event, activity or function linked to our school is outlined below:
If you have volunteered in the past, we are grateful for your support and commitment for St Joseph's. Your volunteer registration at St Joseph's has now expired.
Should you wish to volunteer at St Joseph's in 2025 in any role (eg. Classroom assistance, St Joseph's KP Collective Committee, School Board, school BBQs, events, discos, etc.) please read the following information and fully complete the steps outlined PRIOR to offering assistance.
TIP: Parents completing this documentation FULLY at the beginning of 2025 is invaluable assistance to classroom teachers, school leadership and the St Joseph's KP Collective as it saves so much administrative time during the year prior to events.
Please follow the instructions below and return the documentation to the school office with Proof of vaccination:
- ALL volunteers must undertake annual online Student Protection and Code of Conduct Training for Volunteers and Other Personnel located on the St Joseph's School website under the BCE Policies tab (or by clicking here).
- Completion of the training will produce a registration form to be completed and taken to the school office. If you have not completed this annual training, you will not be able to volunteer at St Joseph's.
- If you are a non-Legal Guardian volunteer (for example step-parents, grandparents or non-Legal Guardian community members), you must also hold a positive notice Blue Card. Please bring it to the school office so it may be copied.
- ALL volunteers must undertake Volunteer First Response Fire and Evacuation Training prior to commencing onsite volunteering. This training is accessed by the attached document – Volunteer Fire Evacuation and Training (please use a laptop/PC, not a mobile phone)
- Submit a statement of completion record by clicking this link here that you have downloaded, read and understood the Volunteer First Response Fire and Evacuation Training (there is no assessment).
Please remember: If Volunteering at school during the day, it is a requirement to please sign in/out using PassTab that can be found in the front office, sign in using the Check In Qld App and wear a badge while onsite.
Emergency Evacuation Information:
- The evacuation area for the school is our school Oval, located adjacent to Cabrini Block and behind the Regina Arts Centre.
- Evacuation maps are located by the doorway in every classroom.
- Sick Bay is in the Administration building. If injured/unwell, report to a staff member immediately.
If you are interested in Volunteering at St Joseph's, could you please complete the training as per the instructions in this email and complete and supply the documentation required? This training must be completed PRIOR to your scheduled volunteering session (including any classroom assistance).
We thank you for your time and valuable contribution to our school.
Volunteer training for Fire and Evacuation training can be accessed via this powerpoint. We recommend that users download the powerpoint file to their computers to access as browsers may not be compatible with O365 documents.
Volunteer Fire and Evacuation Training.pptx