Message from the Principal

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Dear Parents/Carers

Welcome to the 2025 school year and to the St Joseph’s Primary School website. I thank you for allowing us to share with you the privilege of educating your child.

I warmly welcome you to St Joseph’s Primary School, Kangaroo Point. With more than 150 years of Catholic Education in Kangaroo Point, St Joseph’s is one of the oldest Catholic Primary schools in Brisbane. St Joseph’s also shares a rich history with Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop who founded the school in 1870, and the Sisters of Mercy who, in 1880, began teaching in the Parish.

St Joseph’s is a co-educational Catholic Primary School providing educational excellence for students from Prep to Year Six. St Joseph’s has a rich tradition of providing an inclusive Catholic education for a diverse and unique group of students. 

St Joseph’s is a community that places Jesus Christ at its centre and strives to espouse Christian values and live as Jesus did.  Our school Vision and Mission are  constant reminders for the school community of its Catholic, Christian identity and of the lives we are called to lead.

It is a great privilege to lead and be part of such a warm and welcoming community where all children, parents and staff are known to one another and where community involvement is encouraged. Our school comprises many families from all walks of life, and many different ethnicities, cultures, races, and religions. Here at St Joseph’s we are proud of this diversity and willingly cultivate it, encouraging our students to learn about and appreciate the heritage of those within our community. 

At St Joseph’s, we understand that your child is an individual and as such, has his/her own needs, interests and characteristics.  We are committed to supporting and nurturing your child to develop as an individual and as a member of our school and wider community.

As Principal, my goal is to work with families, students and staff to foster a learning environment based on the values of Christ, especially kindness and respect for each other, compassion for the needs of all, and the genuine celebration of individual differences. As a part of the St Joseph’s Kangaroo Point and St Benedict’s East Brisbane Parish, the students, parents and staff of St Joseph’s Primary School are also a part of this wider parish family. 

The staff of St Joseph’s is committed to working in partnership with all parents of our school community. As the primary educators of your children, the rich and unique partnership that is developed between school and home is critical in ensuring the happiness and success of every single student.  It is this partnership that flourishes abundantly at St Joseph’s School.

Students are actively encouraged by our committed and professional staff, to develop to their fullest potential. I firmly believe each and every one of our students has a variety of rich talents, gifts and interests. When these are affirmed and encouraged in a spirit of openness, respect and trust, our students become well-rounded productive members of their community. At St Joseph’s we encourage all students to participate and get involved through a variety of extra-curricular activities, encouraging them to use their talents in areas of interest to them. Music, Drama, after-school sport and a number of other programs continually challenge students and help build self-confidence. 

All research indicates that parents have a critical role to play in the education of their child. As a community we strive to support each other, work with each other, and live in harmony with one another, for the benefit and well-being of the students here at St Joseph’s Primary School. Our website offers a glimpse of this community-based environment which will introduce you to our school, our students and our Christian ethos.

I am pleased to say that St Joseph’s is a happy place where children are both encouraged and challenged to develop a love of learning, experience success and become happy, caring and responsible young people.

I welcome and encourage you to explore the contents of this website, enjoy the many images that typify the sense of belonging and true love of learning that the students of this wonderful school possess.

Our school has much for which to be thankful – our picturesque setting and grounds, our supportive staff, fully refurbished facilities, fine students and families, our rich history and a very promising, creative and innovative future.

Please do not hesitate to make contact with us if you would like further information.

Take care and God bless always​

Nicole Cole


© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph’s Primary School Kangaroo Point (2025)