All students have a need to feel accepted and loved, to experience success and fun with their learning, to have a sense of freedom within and control over their environment. Our framework of Behaviour Learning empowers teachers to support students to choose behaviour appropriate to our school context. The philosophical basis is that Behaviour is part of our Curriculum, based on a teaching/learning model.
Appropriate consequences are determined for all behaviour. At the beginning of each year, classes develop a Class Covenant. The covenant is based on describing agreed upon behaviours as part of our school expectations listed below. The class covenant is continually referred to and revised throughout the year.
St Joseph’s School Expectations
Everyone at St Joseph’s School has the right to:
Feel safe and to grow spiritually, academically and emotionally in a supportive community environment
Everyone at St Joseph’s School is expected to:
Do their best in relation to their learning
Respect themselves and the rights of others
Be accountable for their words and actions
Be responsible for their own property
Respect the property of others
Show stewardship over our environment
Our rules are:
Do what the teacher says when the teacher says it
Hands and feet to yourself
No hat: No play
Speak to please, not to tease
All adult members of our school community are challenged to be exemplars to our student community.
If non belonging behaviour is continually repeated, the child, in consultation with parents, is removed from school.
a) For a short period of time
b) Formal suspension
c) Expulsion
The St Joseph's Way